● Does your partner isolate you from friends or family? 

● Does your partner search your phone to access who you are communicating with? 

● Is your partner obsessed with “respect” and “obedience”? 

● Does your partner have delusions of grandeur, do they believe they are more than they really are? 

● Does your partner blame you for their behavior or actions? 

● Does your partner belittle you, put you down, call you names, use anger to control you? 

● Does your partner use religion and scripture to dominate or control you? 

● Does your partner throw things or break things? 

● Does your partner control the finances, do they make you ask for money or take your paycheck? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we encourage you to seek help for your abusive relationship.

Anchor of Hope is here to help you, you are not alone!  

CALL: 717-761-2933, Ext. 114