“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children.”
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
At CCCKids it is our joy each week to have your children join us. We are passionate about teaching them God’s word, in a systematic way designed just for them. At the same time, it is our goal that they experience the love of the Father, refreshing their spirit. In a world of shifting sands, our kids need to stand on the Rock of Jesus Christ. CCCKids is here to nurture their growth and relationship with Jesus.

Please join our Children's and Youth Ministries for an in-depth training on Child Development with Cindy King; the Equipping Director with Keystone Family Alliance. Cindy is an expert in child development, special needs, and trauma induced behavior issues.
Come join us for lunch, fellowship, and in-depth training revealing insights into the needs of children at every age. Cindy has years of experience fostering children with trauma, bringing grace and wisdom in the family dynamic. She is able to translate that into the church setting, equipping churches to create an environment of welcome and safety.
This event is hosted by CCCKids of Christ Community Church, February 2, 2025, from 12:30-3:30. Please come to the Community Center, in the middle of the CCC campus. Lunch will be provided, donations appreciated.
Register for free on the Keystone Family Alliance website.
‘Even in my mother’s womb, you knew me.’ God looks upon and values every moment of our lives. He is our creator; our heavenly father. He delights in us, and he cares about our needs. In that same way, we delight in and care about every need of even our youngest members. Additionally, we offer teaching in the form of a monthly Bible theme with hands on activities to reinforce the concept.
Our Nursery rooms are designed for the needs and safety of each age group, as well as being a joyful, peaceful environment. Nursery is located on the first floor of the Children’s Ministry wing where you will be greeted by a member of the Nursery team. Classroom placement is at the discretion of the Nursery Coordinator based on needs and abilities. When appropriate, our children can also access the outdoor playground or indoor large-motor-skills room.
Nursery Coordinator – Ernie Fisher
‘Let the little children come to me.’ Jesus loves and welcomes children, and we carry that heart into our preschool program as well. Our pre-school aged children gather every Sunday for worship, Bible story, hands on activities, to play with friends, and share a snack. Each week, focused activities, discussion time, and even snacks all relate back to the Bible story, reinforcing biblical truth in a fun and age-appropriate way.
Our preschool program is offered on the second floor of the Children’s Ministry wing, now in classroom # 211. We have a great team of mixed generations working together to reveal Jesus and his love for these children. What a joy for us to see their hearts awaken to him. We strive to make the morning as enjoyable as possible for our Preschoolers and their families.
We provide a peanut-free snack, and if possible, we can sometimes accommodate common dietary restrictions, such as gluten or dairy free. Parents are always welcome to provide their own snack for their child if they prefer.
Preschool Coordinator – Judy Fisher
Preschool Coordinator – Kathy Stover
God tells us to share his words with our children ‘when you sit at home, when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up’. In other words – all the time. Our Elementary program is designed to aid families to make this a reality for our children. Each stage of the Elementary program is designed specifically to meet the needs on their level, while giving our children opportunities to participate in ministry, and engage with the presence of the Lord.
Our Sunday morning begins for all grades Kindergarten to fifth grade, in Room 201 on the second floor of the Children’s Ministry wing. The children gather here to participate in activity stations and enjoy social interaction. From there we transition to our worship room for worship, ministry, prayer, offering and celebrating birthdays.
Following worship, we divide into four groups; Kindergarten, first & second grades, third & fourth grades, and fifth grade.
• Kindergarten moves to room 215 which is specially designed to be a fun, interactive environment. We begin to lay the foundations of the Bible, creating fun, interactive activities which emphasize the ideas presented in their Bible story.
First & Second grades move to room 214, where their program will include puppets, and an interactive environment. This level follows the main events of the Old and New Testaments as they embark on ‘Journey Through the Bible.
• Third & Fourth grades will move to room 213 for a high-energy, action-packed program where they will dive deep into the nature and character of God, and what it means to walk with him daily as they study ‘Hearing God’s Voice’ and ‘Our Amazing God.
• Our fifth graders move to room 216. These children are ready to dig into deeper levels, exploring life concepts and Biblical application. Some examples of themes they explore include Family Life, Church Life, Service, Purity, etc. In fifth grade, we encourage discussion to fully develop understanding, encourage one another, and allow the children to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus.
Children are a heritage (gift, reward) from God. You are invited to join us in dedicating your children in our annual corporate dedication celebration for our families. This is a powerful time to pray for and declare destiny over our children.
For those who have never dedicated their children at Christ Community Church, there is a mandatory training class the Sunday prior to dedication. Upcoming child dedication will be posted in the announcements page and the Children’s Ministry page in advance.
A Dedication Application link will appear 6 weeks prior to the next scheduled child dedication. Please click on the link, print and fill in the form. Please hand in the form to the Children’s Ministry office in advance to ensure we can properly create a dedication certificate. Please also submit a photo with the form, or via e-mail to the Children’s Ministry Office at children@Christcc.org.
“Sharing in his death by our baptism means that we were co-buried with him, so that when the Father’s glory raised Christ from the dead, we were also raised with him.” Romans 6:4
Baptism is a powerful experience, for both children and adults. All elementary children are invited to participate in baptism when they and their parents feel they are ready.
Parents must sign their children up in advance and attend two training sessions with their children. These classes teach the meaning of baptism and its power in their walk with Jesus, allowing the child to make a personal heart decision to receive baptism. Baptism is offered at least once a year in our corporate service. Sign-ups will be available at that time.
All children in Grades 2-5 are eligible to participate on our Kids in Ministry Team. Our team members can serve on the Children’s Worship Team, Puppet team, or as Nursery or Preschool Helpers (Grades 4-5 only).
Ministry Team Training is offered at least once a year. This is a great opportunity for our children to learn how to serve Jesus by serving others.
Please stay tuned for the next Kids in Ministry Training event.
When you join the Children’s Ministry as a volunteer, you are impacting the life of a child for eternity. Every one of us have gifts that are meant to be used for the building up of the body of Christ. You are one of those gifted members, and the Lord is faithful to lead us as we minister to His children.
It is easier than you think. New team members are given the opportunity to start small, and we will always provide the materials and training you need to succeed.
If you would like to serve in Children’s Ministry, please take note of the following steps:
1. Click on the Volunteer Application link under the Forms heading on the left of your screen.
2. Submit your application to the Children’s Ministry Office or via email to children@christcc.org.
3. The Children’s Ministry Office will arrange for you to have an interview with the Children’s Pastor.
4. As clearances are a statewide legislative mandate, please either bring copies of your current clearances to your interview, or If you do not currently have clearances, we will send you instructions and a link to get you started. All volunteer clearances are processed at no cost to you.
5. Once all clearances are received, we will schedule you to serve within a rotation that works for you.
For any questions on this procedure, please contact our office at 717-761-2933 x120 or children@christcc.org.
CCCKids Health Policy
For the health of all the children, and for the peace of mind of every parent, children with symptoms of illness must stay with their parents. Upon the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics, please do not bring children with the following symptoms to any of the CCCKids areas:
Fever currently or within the previous 24 hours
Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the previous 24 hours
Any symptoms of childhood diseases
Runny nose with any colored discharge
Sore throat
Any unexplained rash or skin infection
Pink eye and other eye infections
Head lice (child should be free of all nits)
Children’s Ministry Staff
Therese Nehrt
Children’s Pastor
Judy Fisher
Preschool Coordinator
Kathy Stover
Preschool Coordinator
Ernie Fisher
Nursery Director