Healing + Prayer Ministries
We send regular emails to a team that will keep you in prayer throughout the week. It’s a great feeling to know people are praying for you as you face various circumstances. If you would like to communicate a prayer need, email us at prayer@christcc.org. You can also pray with someone on our Prayer Line at 223-800-8017.
Prayer Ministry Team: This team is available to pray with you after every Sunday worship gathering!
Healing Prayer: A faith-filled team that will pray with you for physical and emotional healing. To connect with this team, please come to the Prayer Center on the 2nd Tuesdays between 7-8pm.
Freedom Ministry: By appointment only, our Freedom Team is a group of intercessors skilled in prayer to break demonic strongholds in your life. Click Here to view the Freedom Ministry page where you can download a form to request ministry from the Freedom Team. -
If you need a healing in your physical body, our teams are ready to pray for you! We set an atmosphere in the space of worship and faith as we prepare to meet with you. You do not need to register—just come!
2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 7-8pmPrayer Center
This ministry brings freedom from spiritual oppression and demonic torment. Our sessions are Holy Spirit-led, non-dramatic and peaceful while the team guides you in discovering strongholds and bondages, resolving them through the power of Jesus. Our goal is to see you released into your destiny!
In Mark 11:17 Jesus quoted Isaiah 56:7, “These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my House of Prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a House of Prayer for all nations.”
All over the world God is raising up Houses of Prayer with hungry lovers of his heart who choose to minister to Him day and night. Day and night worship and intercessions are being offered up as acceptable holy incense on His altar. Revivals and great moves of His Spirit have been born out of such altars of prayer.
Gone are the days of laborious begging. A new wineskin of prayer is emerging that is joyful and declarative, worshipful and creative.
Does this stir your heart? Join us! Do you have a particular area of passion where you want to see His Kingdom released? Start a prayer group! Do you connect to Heaven through worship or the creative? Reserve time in our prayer center by e-mailing prayerlife@christcc.org or call 717-761-2933.
He’s building His House!
ConnectUp is a local ministry that calls CCC their home base. They focus on helping people connect with God through healing prayer. This team utilizes a simple form of prayer ministry that ministers emotional healing and deliverance in a relational format with an emphasis on the presence of Jesus and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Grief share is a special 13 week 90 minute seminar and support group to help grieving people process through their grief and rebuild their life after the death of a loved one. The Grief Share group includes a weekly video, group discussion and a personal workbook. If you or someone you know is dealing with grief from the loss of a loved one, you will find support and encouragement in this 13 week seminar.
Starting 2/8/25 - 5/3/25
Saturday mornings | 10am-noon | Training Center
healingtheheart@lcmi.orgBased out of Life Center in Harrisburg, this team is dedicated to helping you overcome the roadblocks in your life that are hindering you from living in peace and joy. Sessions include life-changing principles from the Word of God, prayer and space for the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
theultimatejourney.orgThis inner healing ministry dives deep into emotional hurts and traumas while building relationship and community within a small group setting. Each group works together to address wounds, unhealthy patterns and imbedded lies that hinder full relationship with God and others.
(530) 339-1294
HeartConnectionIntl@proton.meheartconnectionintl.comHeart Connection Ministries ministers to adults, teens, and children. The goal of our Prayer Ministers is to seek the heart of God, His Love, and to minister to broken areas in your heart. In this heart connection with God, He will reveal root issues of wounds and hurts that are stored in your heart. Our Ministers facilitate this process with you and God through individual prayer.
This ministry is a safe place to receive restoration, support, life skills and other tools that enable you to move toward your maximum potential. To connect with a Life Coach, visit their web page here.
If you need ongoing support from a professional counselor, we partner with this local team with offices in various locations. They offer therapy services to children, teens, adults, couples and families.