What is Life Coaching?
What services are provided?
We offer a safe place where clients can receive healing, hope, direction, empowerment, and various tools that support their ability to live joyful, fulfilling, meaningful lives.
Reasons to partner with a Life Coach
You are stuck!
You seek wholeness for broken places
You lack vision or direction
You need help navigating life changes or transitions
You want to set and maintain healthy boundaries
You desire to move beyond the familiar
You want to activate your potential and purpose!
“Working with a Life Coach created the family focus that was much needed, giving us the hope life-line that had been missing from the standard psychiatric care approach we had previously used. Our Life Coach not only provided us with an essential and substantial support system, but also became a trusted confidante.” —Anthony
“Life coaching has made a huge difference in my life this past year. Having lost my husband several years ago, I found myself unable to move forward. My Life Coach helped me move through the debilitating stress that kept me hostage. She provided life-altering strategies that helped me transform the thoughts that had been fueling my gray-colored perceptions, keeping me stuck. I feel so blessed to have had a Life Coach to help me. Because of her intervention, I have been able to take back my life and find joy once again.”—Cindy
“Four years ago I believed I was unworthy of God’s love. I brought up every dirty thing that held my life hostage from my destiny. Little did I know how my Life Coach would walk beside me and equip me with practical every day tools to break free from such tragic bondage. With biblical truth & wisdom I now know how to face life as it comes. Instead of wondering where God is in my circumstance, I now declare who my God is to the circumstances! Life Coaching was a key to opening every locked door that kept me from becoming the powerful woman God created me to be on this planet!”—Kristi
“I was introduced to Life Coaching at a time I felt chained in my circumstances and fell victim to hopelessness and crippling shame. I did not have high expectations for Life Coaching and was prepared to give up at the first sign of condemnation. This condemnation never came. Instead I was met with arms of love, shed tears, and encouraging words of truth. My life coach introduced me to my true identity as a beloved daughter of the Most High King. She took my hand and walked beside me as fear lost its power in my life and I began to discover my true purpose and destiny. She helped me see myself through the eyes of the Father who truly delights over His children and who promises that though we stumble, we will never fall. Life Coaching challenged me to go deeper, restored the hope I had lost, and gave me a refreshing new perspective. I am eternally humbled and thankful for my experience with CCC Life Coaching.”—Cassandra
“Having a Life Coach had been a Godsend! Imagine having someone come alongside of you, helping you find your way through, picking you up when you stumble and cheering you on to keep going. The coaching process has given me life-changing perspective. I now have choices, options and tools available to me to empower me to become exactly who God made me to be and I can do what he designed me to do.”—Becca
“I have been incredibly blessed to have a life coach in my life. I am thankful for the many things I have learned, and how life coaching has improved my life. As I put the tools and skills I’ve learned into practice, my attitude and thought-life have improved, consequently improving my relationships, my work and my life in general.”—Lisa
“Since my wife has been meeting with a life coach, she’s able to handle difficult relationships and situations better. She is developing confidence in herself and she has a much more positive grateful attitude.”—Keith
“My life coach helps me sort through facts, thoughts, ideas, realities and beliefs that effected the way I view life. Through working with my life coach, my perspective became more positive and I am now empowered in my ability to respond instead of react in difficult relationships and situations. As a result I have seen these difficult situations & relationships improve. The life tools & skills I received will continue to strengthen and encourage me.”—Kathy
“I have thought, countless times, how I would be completely lost if I had not made the decision to meet with a life coach. I could not repay her for all she has done, to show me how to live an EMPOWERED LIFE!"—Gloria
What do the coaches at Life Coaching Partners do?
We are certified wellness professionals who empower our clients to expand their personal, family, and business insights, develop goals, and work towards accomplishing desired changes. Using a positive approach that builds on strengths, we support individuals and/or couples as they begin to think differently, walk in freedom, enjoy healthier relationships, and achieve long-lasting change.
How do I connect with a Life Coaching Partners coach?
Our names, contact information, and more about our individual practices are listed on this page. We are all trained and experienced in a broad range of areas but we each have expertise in specific areas as well. Please call or email us for more information/a brief consultation.
Is there a fee for your services?
Individual sessions are $60/hour; Payment can be made by check or cash prior to or at the time of appointment. The fee for a packet of 4 sessions (paid upfront) is $200, a savings of $40. (Alternate payment arrangements may be made by coaches with individual clients.)
How long is a typical session?
Sessions are usually an hour long. But they can also be extended to 1 ½ or 2 hours, with fees adjusted accordingly.
Do you take credit cards or participate in health insurance programs?
Unfortunately, at the present time we don’t accept credit cards and health insurance does not usually cover life coaching.
Do you only do in-person sessions or are there alternatives?
We do face-to-face sessions both in the office (located at the back of the CCC Prayer Center) and at other locations, conduct phone appointments, and use electronic communications platforms such as Zoom, Facetime,.... Please discuss alternatives with your coach.
What’s the difference between coaching and counseling?
According to a 2022 article in Psychology Today, coaches and counselors often have similar objectives but different licensing requirements and areas of focus. Counselors typically deal with mental health issues and helping clients heal from past experiences. Coaches also support clients in the healing process, but primarily focus on “the future, unlocking potential, and growth.”
If my coach and I aren’t a good fit, are other options available?
Yes. Having a “positive therapeutic relationship” is an important element of effective coaching. If your initial coaching partnership isn’t a good fit we’re happy to suggest another coach within our group. Or we can refer you to an outside resource.
Empowered Living
Mary Miller, BA, Certified Master Level Life Coach
Mary has her degree in education from the University of Northern Iowa and is a certified Biblical Counselor, a Certified Master Level Life Coach through American Association of Christian Counselors as well a Certified Think Differently Life Coach through the Think Differently Academy.
Through her Empowered Living Life Coaching Practice Mary teaches and trains people how to live a life of freedom. Mary empowers her clients to be able to navigate through the many storms and dramas that can be experienced in life. Mary’s clients are trained in how to develop new thought processes, to see problems as challenges to learn and grow from, and how to apply healthy boundaries in their relationships. Mary’s desire is to see her clients released with a newfound zeal, courage, and strength to experience life as a great adventure of freedom!
To Be Life Coaching
Guy Prince, BS, MSW, Certified Life Coach
Guy’s background includes teaching in public and private schools and as an adjunct. In addition, he’s spent over 18 years as a counselor and behavioral consultant. Guy follows a model based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and mindfulness. His practice is called To Be Life Coaching.
Navigating Change
Ellen Shinn, BA, MA, Certified Life Coach
Ellen is certified as a life coach through the American Association of Christian Counselors, has a BA from Gordon College in Bible, and a MA in Higher Education from Messiah University. Her prior work experience includes serving as a grant writer, program developer, and social services project manager. Her passion is encouraging others as they step into new places and possibilities! Ellen’s life coaching practice is called Navigating Change: Finding New Direction. She lives in Mechanicsburg with Bailey, her mischievous little Lhasa Apso-mix.
Thriving Roots
Rebecca Sterner, BA, Certified Life Coach
Rebecca is certified as a Life Coach through the AACC. She has a BA in Biblical Counseling through Luther Rice Seminary. Rebecca works part-time as a life coach and part- time on staff at her local church. Her life is full of loving others including her husband, children, and nine grandchildren! Rebecca is a great organizer and loves to help motivate people. Her vision and greatest joy is to see others grasp their inheritance in Christ. Her practice is called Thriving Roots Life Coaching. Rebecca’s previous work with the mentally challenged, the elderly, and children makes her a great asset to our team.
Daring Greatly
Lee Yarlet. BS, M.ED, Certified Life Coach
Lee started her career in the field of education by earning a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education and a Master’s of Education in Learning Disabilities. Lee's compassion has led her to serve in both local church ministries and international service missions. Following her career in education, Lee completed her certification requirements with the American Association of Christian Counselors to continue her heart-passion in assisting individuals and families. She launched her Life Coaching business, Daring Greatly Life Coaching, in 2014. As a wife, mother, stepmother, educator, coordinator, and consultant, she has years of experience broadening her professional development to unique dimensions.
Heart Connection Ministries
(530) 339-1294
HeartConnectionIntl@proton.me heartconnectionintl.com
Heart Connection Ministries is a ministry for adults, teens, and children.
In life, one’s heart can be wounded or broken. Perhaps a loved one betrayed you. Perhaps you were rejected. Or, you suffered abuse and trauma by the actions of another. The Ministers at Heart Connection Ministries want to encourage you that we worship a Healing God who is in the business of mending what is broken and transforming a broken heart into something lovely – He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3). God’s love is designed to heal your heart. God desires your heart to be healed and for you to walk in the complete freedom that Jesus paid for on the Cross.
At Heart Connection Ministries, the goal of our Prayer Ministers is to seek the heart of God, His Love, and to minister to broken areas in your heart. In this heart connection with God, He will reveal root issues of wounds and hurts that are stored in your heart. During Prayer Ministry, our Prayer Ministers partner with Holy Spirit for His revelation that brings healing. The Blood of Jesus, through the Cross, His death, and resurrection, is applied to the deep wounds of the heart. Only God knows the condition of your heart and He can bring the healing that your heart needs. Our Ministers facilitate this process with you and God through individual prayer,
Merridy Sersen is a Certified Life Coach specializing in Creative Group Growth Experiences.
Merridy is a mother, grandmother, friend, writer and artist. Merridy has a background in addictions counseling and ministry spanning 40 years. She uses creative expressions in recovery programs and group sessions at Christ Community Church, as well as at outreach events to the unhoused community.THIS IS OUR STORY is the name of her ministry/business which uses artistic experiences to move others toward healing and wholeness, by sharing stories through art, and leading them into hope through the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Merridy Sersen 717-856-7318