From One Influencer to Another
Devotional Contributor: Allan Thrush
(On the road to Damascus) . . . “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting. Get up and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you to reveal your destiny and to commission you as my assistant. You will be a witness. . . you will open their eyes. . .so that they may turn from darkness to the Light. . .” Acts 26:15-18 (TPT).
Talk about passing the torch! The Great Influencer, Jesus, was passing to Paul the torch to be an influencer. Paul was being set in to go throughout Europe and preach the Gospel and win souls for Jesus. This all came from one encounter with Jesus, who said, “to reveal your destiny and to commission you (vs 16).”
All of us are commissioned to be influencers. Some of us have small fields to plow, while others have been given larger fields to till. Paul, and many others in the New Testament, were destined to till large fields of people. Most of us don’t have tentacles that reach to the extent that Paul was given. Our field should and could be anyone with whom we come into contact. Think about those that God puts in your path. Who do you come into contact with daily? Who do you come into contact with weekly? Who do you come into contact with on a monthly basis?
I have heard Pastor Dave say on many occasions, that people are hungry and want to hear the “truth.” Perhaps you don’t view yourself as an influencer, but as Paul was commissioned, so are we. “Go ye into all the world. . .” Matthew 28:19
Have you ever thought about who you are? As a born-again believer, you have an identity. Your identity is that you are a child of God. Your identity doesn’t come from the job you have, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, the home you live in, or the position in life that you find yourself living in. Paul was a murderer of Christians! And yet, God gave him a new identity. He went from being a murderer to a soul winner, healer, evangelist, and a whole host of other assignments that came from God.
Throughout the book of Acts, there are countless stories about those who went as a messenger of God which always resulted in unbelievable harvests. The Book of Acts is full of influencers who stood up and spoke out, and by doing so, countless lives were changed. God promised that if we go, He will give us the words to say. Acts is a story of what God did 2000 years ago, and we are still living out that story today. BE AN INFLUENCER!